In 2020, I planned and organized a three day veterans event, Minds in Motion, seeking to connect San Francisco Area veterans with resources, community, and a lot of fun!

Minds in Motion
Year: 2019–2020
Medium: Fully planned and organized 3-day event, including designing the website (fully coded with CSS/HTML and p5.js with original assets), branding, original artwork, merchandize design, and marketing, acquiring all of the resources for the event, including transportation, recreational activities, and food and beverage, and recruiting partners and volunteers for on-site support.
Conception: The idea for this event first came about in 2019, when I was driven to create more accessible spaces and events for my fellow veterans. After reaching out to friends at the PGA HOPE and the Veteran Surf Alliance, I decided to build a 3-day event, lending my background in project management and graphic design to not only create the event itself but all of the digital, physical, and marketing assets for it.
Making: For the event planning, I partnered with the PGA HOPE, the Veteran Surf Alliance, San Francisco Recreation & Parks, San Francisco Fire Department, as well as other sponsors and companies in the San Francisco Area to acquire all of the resources needed for the event. Each day of the event includes sessions for surfing, golfing, yoga, silent disco, and a cook-out for lunch. The design work for this project included an event website, creating merchandise, full branding for the event, as well as producing marketing materials.
Impact: This project brought together several organizations, companies, sponsors, and volunteers in the San Francisco area, all with the mission of supporting and improving the lives of veterans.
Legacy: Due to COVID-19, Minds in Motion, which was planned for May 2020, was postponed.