The zine, Quaranzine: #No Woman Left Behind, was created by hand at the end of 2020, detailing the rollercoaster of frustration, life changes, inside jokes, and hope that filled the year, made from collaging 2020 calendars and post cards, and expressed through text conversations with my neighbor sent during the coronavirus shelter-in-place orders.

No Woman Left Behind

Year: 2020

Medium: Zine, Paper collage, Hand-written typography

Conception: This idea was born out of another of my projects, the Triptych, which was a hand-done collage made up of calendars and post cards, visualizing where my adult children were physically, emotionally, and mentally at the end of 2020. The materials and content for the Triptych brought about a realization for me of how much our physical distances from one another had been impacted by the pandemic, as well as how much the visuals in my 2020 calendar and post cards severely clashed with the actual state of the world throughout the year.  While the Triptych project took on a singular focus of my children’s’ wellbeing, this project zeroed in on how the global coronavirus pandemic in 2020 impacted all of our lives and our experiences with the world around us, and aimed to express the frustration, life changes, inside jokes, and hope that filled the year.

Making: Prior to the formal print process, this zine was created entirely by hand, using collage, photography, and hand-written typography. The collage was made from 2020 calendars and post cards, which were themselves illustrative designs, and photographs were all selfies taken by myself and my children. I created the design using analogue methods, cutting out the material by hand and photocopying them to create the collage. All embellishments to the collage were done by hand as well as all of the typography and written content. The written content was formed from an ongoing text conversation between myself and my neighbor sent during the shelter-in-place orders, as well as my own notes on the experience, including a list of every flight I took during the year 2020 detailed on the back-cover. After creating the original designs, I digitized and formatted the project for professional print, creating an original 12-page zine. 

Legacy: The project now lives as an exhibit in the special collections at the Donohue Rare Book Room at the University of San Francisco.





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